Chapter 2263 Neighbours Internet Porn:>>Ep2
- Still buzzing from finding and watching our neighbour's porno movie online, Ellie clicked the next of their movies, then clicked pause. "This is a bit weird watching Ann and Bill without them knowing. Hot but weird. What do you think?"
- I had been thinking the same during the brief pause since we watched the first movie. "I know, but I guess if they decided to share it with the world online then they must have known eventually someone they know would see it. I still can't believe it, they're such an unsuspecting couple." I replied. "Anyway..." I leaned over and un-paused the video. We got comfortable and started touching each other again as we started to watch the second Ann and Bill movie of the evening.
- This movie started with a door opening into a bathroom. As the door opened, we saw a clothed Bill with his phone in the vanity mirror briefly. The phone panned around to the right and we saw Ann in a bath, fully covered except for her head in bubbles. There was half a glass of wine on the shelf next to the claw foot bath.